AFTER FIVE with Natasha Monteleone
A writer and actor shares how she balances her government day job, volunteering at a non-for-profit... all while writing her first novel!
AFTER FIVE is a fortnightly Sunday series where I interview creatives and ask them:
“how do you balance a creative life with your day job?”
“what does your 5-9pm look like after your 9-5?”
Find out more here.
If you would like to be interviewed, please reach out here!
Natasha (‘Tash’) Monteleone is a writer, actor and government worker based in Boorloo (Perth, Western Australia), who is currently working on her first novel.
Tash talks about why taking care of yourself is the key to jugging a creative life. She also celebrates the creative spark that comes with outdoors (and in nature)!
AFTER FIVE with Tash Monteleone
Tell us about your creative practice.
I have a few creative practices: I'm a writer currently undertaking my Masters in writing, literature and journalism, actor, freelance journalist, singer, and I'm in the process of starting a podcast.
What do you do outside of your creative work?
I've worked in Government for years, for the past few years I've worked within the health sector within Infrastructure. I volunteered for many years at a global nonprofit called Random Acts, and I'm also in the process of starting my own business.
Tell us how you got here?
My story is a bit chaotic, I've always been artistic, and I always knew I wanted to pursue a creative career. I studied an undergrad in Communications, majoring in film and screenwriting.
I then fell in love with being in front of the camera and began acting training. I moved to Vancouver to study and pursue that path. I never worked part time, I worked full time before uni, i was lucky enough to be able to live at home while I completed my undergrad, so that was a bonus!
Everything I do in my creative work helps to grow the skills I need in my non-creative work.
Tash Monteleone
Do you see any relation between your creative work and your non-creative work?
Yes, my day job entails a lot of engagement with people and stakeholders on various projects, and involves being organised and being able to effectively communicate both verbally and written. Everything I do in my creative work helps to grow the skills I need in my non-creative work.
What challenges and triumphs have you faced pursuing your creative practice alongside your non-creative responsibilities?
Lack of sleep, burnout, anxiety and exhaustion are daily challenges I struggle with, but the passion, drive and ambition I have outweigh those enough to keep going!
What tips do you have for creatives who are juggling their art, day jobs, social lives and major life events?
It's sounds cliche but for me it's about taking care of yourself - and let's be honest, I fail at that more times than I'd like to admit. The things that personally get me though are:
The gym, I love working out, even when I'm tired or low energy is makes me feel better and helps me focus
Sleep! I struggle with sleep, but mediation right before bed helps.
Get outdoors! I do the majority of my work outdoors, and I love going for walks or hikes.
Caffeine - obviously!
Friends - I would not survive without the friendship, support and love they give me.
What’s next?
If you haven't already, get your hands on a copy of the little journal, a spec fic anthology written by 30 amazing WA writers - I might have a story in there too :)
Be sure to also check out my Substack (Thoughts and Other Things by
) and my upcoming interview on the WritingWA podcast and Substack!(each subscription is a step closer to saving me from the tyranny of my day job. I don’t know how to center this text :\ )
Cause you’ve made it this far, here’s some bonus content, in the form of post-interview notes.
You can read Tash’s interview with
here.A quote that I loved:
“All of this was not seen as passion, or interest, it was seen as ‘obsessive’, and I was treated as ‘weird’ by family, friends, and strangers. That ‘weird’ little girl learnt how to be strong and face her demons from Detective Olivia Benson. The Doctor taught her to believe in her dreams. Once I started writing and playing with these characters who meant so much to me, a floodgate opened, one that would never again close.”
It is a beautifully open reflection on how our creative ‘obsessions’ can be fuel for a change — a “floodgate”.
I have many (angry) thoughts about how women (specifically young girls’) passions are often criticised for being “obsessive” and shameful. While my friends were getting into sports, gaming, manga, anime… my obsessions were Taiwanese-pop and “pop-punk” before a move to Hong Kong triggered a decades-long obsession with J-pop and Visual-kei. Those ‘obsessions’ led me to pursue language,1 travel and honestly, gaining a whole lot of independence.
But as much as I’d like to say I was a no-hold-barred ‘eff you’ kid, these obsessions came with a small slice of self-imposed shame. More on this another time. Anyway, my short recs on this topic include this article by Sascha Samial, Giaae Kwon’s (jjoongie) instagram posts on the topic and their blog.2
Needless to say I’m very keen for Kwon’s upcoming book I’LL LOVE YOU FOREVER: Notes from a K-pop Fan.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far!
Will drop into your inboxes in the next fortnight - once we have sorted out the internet at our new place!
For those who are still curious…AFTER FIVE is an interview series where I ask creatives how they balance their day-job (and other responsibilities) with their creative pursuits.
Please get involved by filling out this form!
I am keen to hear from anyone, including:
people who have transitioned from full-time work to full-time freelancing;
people who have creative/artistic hobbies outside their full-time work;3
parents who are pursuing a creative life alongside parenting;
carers who are pursuing a creative life alongside caring duties
(anyone really! I’d love to make this as inclusive as possible - and I don’t know what I’m missing so happy to be guided! Don’t dob in friends unless you have their consent please!)4
And please feel free to ask your friends/ pass it on to your colleagues.
Thank you to Centre For Stories for giving me the time and space to start this interview series back in 2024.
Natasha Monteleone is a Perth-based writer and actor who loves coffee, crime shows and her cats. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Communications and Scriptwriting and is currently completing her Masters in Writing, Literature and Journalism. She is currently working on her first novel.
Ange Yang is a Boorloo (Perth, Western Australia) based writer, lawyer, essayist and congee enthusiast. She won the SBS Diversity in Food Media writing competition in 2022. Her writing has been featured in SBS Food, WA Good Food Guide, Broadsheet, Gourmet Traveller and Westerly. As a proud Malaysian-Australian, she is interested in how food reconnects individuals to their heritage, shapes people's identities and fosters a sense of community and belonging. Shout at her on Instagram @vegemitecongee
My Japanese ability is now shithouse - a reminder that immersion is key to retain your high-school/ university level language ability. Also who remembers early translations of Mando/ Japanese lyrics? I learned the meaning of TONG HUA thanks to Michael Wong/ Guang Liang’s song.
I love everything about this blog. The photos, the titles the font… the use of [] and all lower case brings be back to the good days of early-internet blogging. There’s an earnestness and “f*** you/ writing directly for the reader” that I love.
you do not have to want to monetise your craft or make a business from your art! If this is you I’m curious to hear what keeps you coming back to art in your spare time! Why keep doing it?
more people = more potential answers to this question of day job vs creative life. I started this series because I’ve been really struggling with the balance, and I figured the best way to find an answer is to ask people who are smarter/ more experienced/ have different perspectives to me! so please! don’t be shy! we can rant together!
Thank you for having me! This was so much fun!🩷🩷